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Me First! Building a Balanced Ethical Perspective at Work

Me First! is a course that helps people get beyond self-centered thinking and attitudes in order to improve relationships, raise ethical standards, and restore a sense of balance and perspective in the workplace. How people view themselves and those around them is a critical part of how they approach ethical decisions around them. This course is really about changing the way people think about each other. Thinking about others improves respect, understanding, and leads to greater ethical awareness. The course discusses the problems associated with human ego. It helps participants move to a better understanding of the principles behind the Golden Rule and the pitfalls of human greed by changing the focus from ourselves to others. This course provides deeper-lever character training with the intent of providing solid moral support to any ethics-training program.


$ 29
  • 1 Hour
  • All Employees
  • Level 1 - Ethics Fundamentals
Course Preview

What You’ll Learn…

  • Understand the human ego and its snares and pitfalls to character and ethics in the workplace.
  • Connect workplace ethics with ego.
  • Show how ego affects our character, perspective on authority, and other people.
  • Define and understand the age-old principle of the Golden Rule and how it influences our ethical decision-making at work.
  • Understand what greed is and learn facts about how it affects the workplace.
  • Learn practical principles to avoid letting greed creep into our character and attitude.
  • Learn to how to focus on others instead of ourselves in order to improve ethical behavior and build stronger relationships at work.
  • Understand what binds all of us together and use this knowledge to improve our workplace environment.
  • Foster a greater sense of dignity and respect for each other which will translate to a more ethical workplace.

Course Outline

Part 1 – Ethics and Ego

  • The Human Ego
  • Ethical Snares Of Ego
  • Ego And Authority
  • Ego And Character

Part 2 – The Golden Rule

  • What Is The Golden Rule?
  • The Meaning And Principles Of The Golden Rule
  • Making It Work In The Workplace
  • The Golden Rule And Human Value

Part 3 – Greed…Choosing Principle Over Profit

  • Understanding Greed
  • Knowing Your Principles
  • Wants And Needs?
  • A Reality Check

Part 4 – Focusing On Others

  • Dignity And Respect For All
  • Learning What Life Is All About

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