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Working Sober! A Safe, Drug-Free Workplace

a group of people in different professions

This course provides a basic introduction to substance abuse in the workplace that is applicable to all employees. The course consists of four sections: understanding substance abuse, signs and symptoms of substance abuse, alcohol and drug basics, and intervention and getting help.


$ 29
  • 1 Hour
  • All Employees
  • Level 1 - Ethics Fundamentals
Course Preview

What You’ll Learn…

  • Understand types of conflicts of interest and be able to spot conflicts of interest dilemmas.
  • Know the ethical conflicts and general ethical guidelines that come from outside employment.
  • Understand the boundaries between your regular employment and your second job.
  • Know the bounds of appropriate and inappropriate selling in the workplace.
  • Identify the potential conflicts of interest that can occur with family and friends.
  • Know employee responsibilities regarding outside employment, investments, and competition.
  • Understand the conflict of interest issues that result from investments and/or ownership in businesses.

Course Outline

Part 1: Understanding the Issues

  • The Company’s Drug-Free Policy
  • The Cost of Substance Abuse
  • Impact of Substance Abuse in the Workplace

Part 2: Substance Abuse

  • Costs of substance abuse
  • Drug & Alcohol Abuse
  • Impact of Substance Abuse
  • Ways People Use Drugs
  • Understanding Addiction

Part 3: Supervisor’s Responsibilities

  • Responsibilities
  • NOT Your Responsibility
  • Legally Sensitive Areas
  • Performance & Potential Crisis Situations
  • Questions & Steps to Consider
  • Supervisor Do’s & Don’ts
  • Actions to Take

Part 4: Signs & Symptoms

  • Signs of Addiction
  • About Addiction
  • Emotional Effects of Substance Abuse
  • Behavioural Effects of Substance Abuse
  • Physical Effects of Substance Abuse
  • Enabling
  • General Signs
  • Medical Conditions

Part 5: Alcohol & Drug Basics

  • Alcohol
  • Cannabis (Marijuana)
  • Inhalants
  • Stimulants
  • Depressants
  • Narcotics
  • Synthetic Drugs
  • Designer Drugs
  • Hallucinogens
  • OTC Drugs

Part 6: Intervention and Referral

  • Assistance
  • Available Services
  • If Services Are Not Available
  • Intervention
  • Constructive Confrontation
  • Confidentiality
  • Roadmap to a Safer, Drug-free, Workplace

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